Welcome to the Summer Edition!

Thursday 18 July 2013


This is the perfect picnic bread.  I turned up to a picnic last week, had to go home with the baby, and then asked my husband later where the bread was.  "All gone!".  That's proof of its' deliciousness.

15g fresh yeast
15ml honey
500g (18oz) strong white flour
15g salt
1/2 pint warm water


1.  Weigh and mix the ingredients on the dough setting in a breadmaker.

2.  Cover with clingfilm (in a sticky ball) and put on baking tray in the airing cupboard (or warm place) for 45 minutes.

3.  Take out and knock air out.  Stretch and roll out on the floured and oiled baking tray.  Cover with clingfilm and put back into the airing cupboard for 45 minutes.

4.  Sprinkle over fresh rosemary and use your fingers to punch in holes.

5.  Bake at 200 degrees C for about 15-20 minutes or until golden.

6.  Wrap in foil and take along to a picnic!

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