Welcome to the Summer Edition!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Jelly in a Jiffy

I really like this jelly that I first read about in a Nigella book.  Using the frozen fruit cuts down the setting time so it can be made in the afternoon for an evening meal.  It also looks stunning, so can suit children and adults alike.  The addition of fruit means that serving it from a mould is tricky, but just glooping it out of a bowl is satisfying enough.  Serve with icecream and I'm transported to my childhood!

1 pack of jelly (I use the stuff without artificial sugars)
1/2 (270ml) pint of boiling water
a handful or more of frozen fruit (any type of fruit; I always buy summer fruits)


1.  As per instructions, dissolve the jelly in 1/2 pint of boiling water.

2.  Add enough frozen fruit to take the amount to 1 pint.

3.  Add 50-100ml water and transfer to a container.

4.  Set in the fridge.

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